Anyway, here's what I have going at present...
Inside Out (Insider, #1) by Maria V. Snyder
This is my "book with actual pages". I've never read any of Maria V. Snyder's books, but I have had several (including this one) on my to-read shelf for ages. So far, so good. I love Dystopias, so this is right up my alley, and I'm pretty eager to find out how this book pans out. The sequel, Outside In, was recently released (March 1st), so after finishing this, I will likely move on to it. Also on my list by Snyder are, Poison Study (and subsequent books, Magic Study and Fire Study, depending on my feeling toward it) and Storm Glass (and it's subsequent books, Sea Glass and Spy Glass). I have heard fabulous things about her writing, and as far as I can see, they have been dead on. Look for my review soon!
This is my Kindle book. I am almost finished with this book, and I am having a difficult time articulating my feelings about it... I want to hate it, I really do. The writing is not very good, and the story is pretty cliche, but I can't stop reading it! It's full of angst and drama, and I really NEED to know what happens to the protagonist romantically (although I am pretty certain I DO know, since the author has been setting it up in a predictable fashion from the get-go). That said, I don't know if this book is good or bad. Wouldn't you consider a book to be good if you couldn't put it down? Anyway, I'm hoping that Heasley will surprise me in the end, and save this book from a bad review. Stay tuned...
This is my current audiobook, and a re-read (I spend a lot of time in the car, running carpool back-and-forth to school and softball, so audiobooks are a MUST for me. I also often need to tune out my kids' noise, so the earbuds help!). I devoured this and the two preceding books this past summer, and adored them. I honestly didn't think that I would, and I can't really say why I felt that way, but I did, and am now a HUGE fan of Cassandra Clare and her writing. Anyway, I'm "reading" this right now because I have the 4th installment, City of Fallen Angels, sitting on my nightstand as we speak, and I wanted to refresh my memory before reading it. I'm about halfway through, and I am glad I did a re-read, because there were many details I had forgotten. Plus, I am that much more excited to read COFA!
I have read this book three times already, and I swear, it gets better every time. This time, I am reading it to my daughter. She's almost 10 and probably reads better than I do, but she still likes me to read to her before bed, so I do, but now I choose different types of books. These days I read her books that she has seen me read and desperately wants to read herself, but is a little young for. If I read them to her, we can discuss what we've read, and it helps her (well, maybe me) deal with the content that might be a little mature. This book is scary, but I think my slightly overprivileged daughter could stand a lesson in being grateful for what she has, and if any book could shed light on that, this one could. I have to admit though, every time I read this, I want to start stockpiling canned goods, water, antibiotics, and propane tanks...
The Quest for Paradise (Kingdom of Fantasy, #2) by Geronimo Stilton
Okay, so technically this isn't a YA book, but I'm reading it, so I had to mention it... I'm reading this book to my son. He is six and absolutely LOVES Geronimo Stilton books. I have to admit that I enjoy them too. The author, Elisabetta Dami (aka Geronimo Stilton), gets little kids, and more importantly, she gets that developmentally, beginning readers need an entire page of text broken up some to visually track and read it properly. I love that she changes up the font type and color and adds little pictures and sidebar notes. These things, along with the fantastic illustrations, make for awesome children's reading. My only complaint is that I wish I knew more about HER. I love to know about authors and there is practically NOTHING out there about her...
Again, not a YA book, but I am reading it. This one is the nighttime read to my six year old daughter (yes, they are twins). My older daughter loved Junie B. when she was younger, reading the books over and over, so my younger daughter (receiver of all things hand-me-down) has an entire shelf of them. Now that she's in Kindergarten, she gets Junie B. and of course, wants to read nothing else. I personally can't stand Junie B. She seems to be an extremely smart kid since she gets into the kind of trouble that only smart kids can, but she talks like an idiot. I guess the mom in me doesn't want her kids to try to be like that... I do occasionally get laughs out of Junie B.'s antics, mostly because she reminds me so much of my older daughter, but most of the time I cringe. I think there are MUCH better options out there for kids who want to read about a wild child. I think Ramona, Pippi Longstocking, Clementine, Judy Moody/Stink, and Fudge are all better written characters who have much better grammar. Just sayin'...
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