What a great idea! Maybe it's my competitive nature, but I love challenges. Any challenge will do. Seriously. I time myself when I clean my house, trying to beat my last time for cleaning the kitchen or bathroom. It's kind of like a disease, I know...
Anyway, while blog hopping, I came across this challenge at The Undercover Book Lover, and liked the idea of it (and not just because the word "challenge" was mentioned!). I was just thinking the other day about how I needed to start reading more realistic fiction, maybe some Sarah Dessen or Deb Caletti... My favorite book genres are Dystopia and Paranormal, and these days, there are no shortages thanks to The Hunger Games
Look for the above button in my reviews. If you see it, you know that the book is a Contemporary Fiction title. For more info on taking part in the challenge, click the button, and get started! Happy Reading!
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Also, this is an award-free blog. As flattered as I am, I just don't have time. I'm happy if I have time to post all of my reviews on time, and am a momma of three to boot, but I appreciate the thoughts! XO