Wednesday, June 13, 2012

ARC Review: Timepiece by Myra McEntire

Publisher: EgmontUSA
Publication Date: June 12th, 2012

A threat from the past could destroy the future. And the clock is ticking...

Kaleb Ballard's relentless flirting is interrupted when Jack Landers, the man who tried to murder his father, timeslips in and attacks before disappearing just as quickly. But Kaleb has never before been able to see time travelers, unlike many of his friends associated with the mysterious Hourglass organization. Are Kaleb's powers expanding, or is something very wrong?

Then the Hourglass is issued an ultimatum. Either they find Jack and the research he's stolen on the time gene, or time will be altered with devastating results. 

Now Kaleb, Emerson, Michael, and the other Hourglass recruits have no choice but to use their unusual powers to find Jack. But where do they even start? And when? And even if they succeed, it may not be enough...

The follow-up to Hourglass, Timepiece blends the paranormal, science fiction, mystery, and suspense genres into a nonstop thrill ride where every second counts.
(Courtesy of Goodreads)

Oh, how I've waited for the release of this book!  Its predecessor, Hourglass, was one of my favorite books of 2011 (read my review HERE), and I had such high, HIGH hopes for Timepiece.  Did it hold a candle?  Did Myra McEntire deliver?  Yes and YES!  I loved this book even MORE than my much loved Hourglass!  It was fan-freaking-tastic!!  

I have to start this review by admitting that I never even read the synopsis... I didn't need to.  I knew I wanted to find out how this fabulous story would progress... That said, I was a little thrown when Timepiece ended up being from Kaleb's perspective.   NOT that I am complaining.  When I read Hourglass, I knew Emerson and Kaleb weren't right for each other (I mean, come on, she and Michael blow up electronics because their connection is so fierce), but forgive me Jesus, this 35 year old woman was having some seriously naughty thoughts about the boy!  The fact that this book puts you in Kaleb's head is bonus point one for Myra and Timepiece!  Onward...

So, he everything I thought he would be?  Yes and no.  He's better.  I thought he would be a bit of a douche, and in the beginning, I thought I was right, but...  Really getting inside his head, you begin to understand his tortured existence and you have to forgive him for the faults he showed in Hourglass, and then you want to help him to get better.  His life has definitely not been easy, and while it improves on some levels in Timepiece, there are also some really heartbreaking moments as well.  As for Emerson and Michael...they really play more of a supporting role in this book, which in part, made me sad, but this really isn't their story.  Jack and Lily, on the other hand, get lots of face-time.  Jack is so much worse than I could have imagined, and Lily surprised me in many ways.  I think I might like her as much as I like Emerson.  There are a few new characters, and of them, I found Poe most interesting.  Hopefully, we'll see more of him in Infinityglass...

Story?  Totally made of win!  The pacing and plot development were spot on.  I could not stop reading, and there were surprises around every corner.  There are still lots of questions, but I say that in a positive way... I'm just itching to get my hands on the next book.  I had a feeling that this series would be a favorite after I read Hourglass, and this book has solidified that statement!  If you have not read Hourglass, you're lame!  Go out and get it!  While you're at it, get Timepiece because you'll NEED to know what comes next (then shoot me an email and thank me for that awesome bit of advice)!  In a literary world where the same story seems to get told over and over, it is refreshing to come across something so original! Add to that the fact that it is told from a male POV (truly a rarity in the YA fiction world), and there are no faults in this book. Myra McEntire, you RULE!

My Rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★++  

Grade Level Recommendation:  There is definitely some hot and heavy in this book, but nothing graphic or inappropriate for the intended audience.  It was more romantic than anything.  I said Hourglass was appropriate for 4th grade+ because it was pretty squeaky clean.  Timepiece is maybe a bit older.  Kaleb is a drunken, tattooed/pierced rebel and he is known to be a bit of a ladies man.  That said, I would put this one at 6th grade+ (ages 11 and up).


  1. I also loved this book! I am glad we really got to know what made Kaleb tick. Can't wait for the next! Great review!

  2. I really loved Timepiece too. Hourglass was good, Timepiece was great, I wonder how amazing the next one will be. :]


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